Gregorian Melodies I
The Monastic Choir of St. Peter's Abbey of Solesmes
Best-selling Gregorian chants from the Monks of Solesmes, France Taken from the 10th to the 17th centuries, the Gregorian chants range from Tantum...
View full detailsMore than eighty items comprise the comprehensive chant resources available from Paraclete Press. You will see books of chant from the Abbey of Solesmes, educational materials from Paraclete Press and critically acclaimed CDs from the monks of Solesmes and the Gloriae Dei Schola. There are resources for beginners as well as advanced students of the chant, and libraries will also find many possibilities for reference books and recordings. We are the one-stop-shop for all things relating to Gregorian chant!
Best-selling Gregorian chants from the Monks of Solesmes, France Taken from the 10th to the 17th centuries, the Gregorian chants range from Tantum...
View full detailsPopular Gregorian chants from the Monks of Solesmes Following the success of Gregorian Melodies, the monks of Solesmes have released Gregorian Mel...
View full detailsMusic written to honor the Virgin Mary is the focus of this Super Audio CD of Gregorian chants performed by the rich voices of the Gloriae Dei Can...
View full detailsThe feast of Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Twelve apostles and other followers of Jesus as described in the Bible...
View full details"Expert renditions of Gregorian Chant” - The New York TimesThis Christmas, give the gift of music—Gregorian chant lifts us out of the ordinary str...
View full details"Solesmes' He Was Placed in the Tomb contains the Gregorian Office for Holy (or "Great") Saturday, the evening service that observes the time Chris...
View full detailsSINCE 1833, the research and study of Gregorian Chant by the Monks of the Abbey of St. Peter in Solesmes, France, has focused on making this sung ...
View full detailsIntroit, Kyrie, Gradual, Tract, Offertory, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Communion, and Alleluias from Mass for the Dead; and Invitatory, Responses, and Anti...
View full detailsIntroits, Graduals, Alleluias, Sequences, Offertories, Communions, and Hymns from Easter Mass, and the Mass for the First Sunday after Easter. Mass...
View full detailsIntroits, Alleluias, Offertories, Communions, and a Hymn from the Masses of Eastertide, plus the seven Antiphons of the Resurrection according to t...
View full detailsSINCE 1833, the research and study of Gregorian Chant by the Monks of the Abbey of St. Peter in Solesmes, France, has focused on making this sung f...
View full detailsIncludes Introits, Graduals, Alleluias, Offertories, Communions, Responses, Sequences, Hymns, and Tropes from the Midnight Mass and the Mass of the...
View full detailsIn the beautiful chants of Vigils the monks celebrate the birth of Jesus at the same time of night he was born in Bethlehem. Track 1-Nicholas ...
View full detailsThis 2-CD set of Gregorian Chant by the Monks of Solesmes contains "Christmas" and "Christmas: The Night Office". Since 1833, the research and stud...
View full detailsFollow the life of Christ: from the Great O Antiphon "O Emmanuel" heralding His birth, to the triumphant chants proclaiming his glorious Resurrecti...
View full details“A constant shimmer of tiny accents and stresses sparking the words into life."—BBC The Coming of Christ is sung by the Gloriæ Dei Cantores Schola...
View full detailsThe Passion Narrative in Gregorian Chant is included on this disc. Christ's Passion, the ultimate sacrifice, is the subject of I Am With You, the t...
View full detailsGregorian chants of the public life and ministry of Christ. This is the second recording in a series illuminating the life of Jesus through the ex...
View full detailsThe monks of Solesmes have selected a sampling of the "best" Gregorian chants, including Antiphons for Lauds of Martyrs at Eastertide, Kyrie IXand ...
View full detailsThis anthology is of great interest as the contents are in liturgical order, following the principal seasons (Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, and Mar...
View full detailsThe Monks of Solesmes have selected a sampling of the "best" Gregorian chants, including "Antiphons for Lauds of Martyrs at Eastertide," "Kyrie IX...
View full detailsThe 1st volume of this beautiful collection includes Gregorian Chants from the Liturgy of Apostles, Martyrs, and Virgins, with Introits, Graduals, ...
View full detailsThe second volume of this beautiful collection includes Gregorian Chants from the Liturgy of Bishops, Doctors of the Church, and Saints, with Intro...
View full detailsKnown throughout the world as the leading masters of Gregorian chant, these two recordings by the monks of Solesmes simplify and clarify the world ...
View full detailsIn all times, in different branches of the Christian family, there are people who have written or sung or spoken things that encouraged us to give our lives to God and to listen to His voice. At Paraclete Press, we gather and share these treasures.