A Little Girl’s Fear and a Postponed Sacrament
Before the accident happened I can’t even remember the last words I said to Evelyn. I didn’t want to go pick up Evelyn, and I just kept begging my mom to let me stay home. I played around while Mom was gone. Later, Dad said, “Oh guys, I’m gonna go.” I thought he was going to pick up Olivia. I went outside for a while and a car showed up on the street. My grandparents got out of it. I wondered what was happening because they were running. I was worried. They were stuttering saying that a tree hit her head. I was speechless, and I ran up the stairs trying not to show my tears. My brother came after me. I just stared out the window watching for Evelyn to come home. Henry told me she wasn’t going to come home for the whole day.
In the morning I had a feeling it would be ok. I thought in my head, “Everything will be ok.” Just like in a fairytale everything seems bad in the beginning, but in the end it’s all ok. I kept asking my grandparents when I could go see Evelyn. They wouldn’t let me. My First Communion was that morning and I kept wondering if I was going to go to my First Communion. I figured out during the process that I was just going to go get my picture taken. Aunt Jane, Grandma Jane, and Olivia did my hair and helped me get ready. I felt a little sadness that I wouldn’t be able to receive communion that day.
After photos, I went back home and I wanted to talk to my mom so bad. I went back to the church later that day to take a picture with the whole grade for First Communion. My friends stopped me when they saw me and asked what had happened. They asked why I didn’t receive First Communion. I told them about my sister’s accident. They told me that they would pray for her and I felt warm inside. I felt happiness for one moment.
I went back home after my teachers told me that it would all be okay. I went to bed early, and I slept, but I had a dream that Evelyn wouldn’t be okay. I went downstairs like I would normally do to go to Mom. I opened the door and I looked at her bed. I remembered she was gone at the hospital. I just stood there for a while. I was sad.
In the morning on Sunday I just was so happy I couldn’t even remember why. I had totally forgotten about what had happened to Evelyn. My brother went downstairs. We sat down and we started watching TV. I realized we had mass, but I didn’t think it would feel like a true mass without my family. When I went to church, my friends were at mass in their First Communion clothes. When it was time to receive the Eucharist I watched as they got it, but I just got a blessing. I went home, and my grandparents told me it would be okay. They had a surprise for us. We would get to go see Evelyn and our parents. I jumped for joy!
When I saw Evelyn I just couldn’t believe my eyes. Sure, she had a bruised eye and a partially shaved head, but she was still there. I was happy with any shape or form she came in. After I hugged her I went over to my mom and dad, and I hugged them and loved them.
“…clothe yourselves with heartfelt mercy, with kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another; forgive whatever grievances you have against one another. Forgive as the Lord has forgiven you. Over all these virtues put on love, which binds the rest together and makes them perfect. Christ’s peace must reign in your hearts, since as members of the one body you have been called to that peace. Dedicate yourselves to thankfulness. Let the word of Christ, rich as it is, dwell in you.” – Colossians 3:12-16