Leap of Faith
by Stephanie Emmons, author ofShe Made Me Laugh: Mother Teresa and the Call to Holiness
Imagine that something meant so much to you that you gave up everything and everyone to pursue it. There was no turning back and you jumped in with both feet only to find that the thing you had given your life to had vanished without a trace. What then? This is exactly what happened to Mother Teresa after she left her safe, familiar Loreto community, stepped out in faith and started caring for the poorest of the poor in Calcutta, India. And except for one brief reprieve, she would spend the rest of her life (the next fifty years!) feeling little consolation from the God who had called her to that life in the first place. Yet, over time, she came to understand the thing that kept her going: that there remained a deep union between herself and her God, regardless of whether she ever ‘felt’ it again.