The Chants of Mary
The Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola
Music written to honor the Virgin Mary is the focus of this Super Audio CD of Gregorian chants performed by the rich voices of the Gloriae Dei Can...
View full detailsMusic written to honor the Virgin Mary is the focus of this Super Audio CD of Gregorian chants performed by the rich voices of the Gloriae Dei Can...
View full detailsFollow the life of Christ: from the Great O Antiphon "O Emmanuel" heralding His birth, to the triumphant chants proclaiming his glorious Resurrecti...
View full detailsThe feast of Pentecost commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Twelve apostles and other followers of Jesus as described in the Bible...
View full detailsA rich experience of the church's liturgical year through Gregorian chant This release delivers a stirring collection of Gregorian chants, celebra...
View full detailsThe father of organized western monasticism, Saint Benedict, is celebrated with Mass and Office chants as well as organ music played on the Grandes...
View full detailsBest-selling Gregorian chants from the Monks of Solesmes, France Taken from the 10th to the 17th centuries, the Gregorian chants range from Tantum...
View full detailsPopular Gregorian chants from the Monks of Solesmes Following the success of Gregorian Melodies, the monks of Solesmes have released Gregorian Mel...
View full detailsGregorian chant inspires us to recharge our spiritual batteries with its sense of tranquility and peace. Gloriae Dei Cantores Schola has re-release...
View full detailsThis peaceful and calming spiritual collection of Gregorian chants presents the music of a Medieval Funeral Mass, as it would have been chanted in...
View full details"Imagine you are in one of the oldest and most beautiful cathedrals in Italy. Close your eyes and hear a Palestrina mass being sung . . . balanced,...
View full detailsA French choral pilgrimage taking listeners from the earliest days of organum in the Middle Ages, through to the delights of seventeenth century p...
View full detailsThe complete Office of Sunday Vespers and Compline in Gregorian chant The great bell of Solesmes calls the listener to the complete Office of Sund...
View full detailsGloriæ Dei Cantores released this double CD set of sacred choral cantatas, motets, and works for organ in honor of the 250th anniversary of the de...
View full detailsGiovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, hailed through the centuries as "prince and father of music," wrote music of unsurpassed grace and beauty. Glor...
View full details"Sacred illumination is their mission, and they achieve it with spiritual sincerity and power." — American Record Guide This release from Gloriæ De...
View full details"Gloriae Dei Cantores helps me to pray when the words just won't come. Their glorious chants, songs and melodies are a regular part of my spiritua...
View full detailsIn all times, in different branches of the Christian family, there are people who have written or sung or spoken things that encouraged us to give our lives to God and to listen to His voice. At Paraclete Press, we gather and share these treasures.