Shocked into Silence
I was Facetiming with my friend Leo while we played War Robots when I heard my dad talking on the phone. He was really mad. He said, “How? Really? I’m coming.” He left. When my grandparents told me a tree limb fell on Evelyn, I didn’t think what happened was that bad until I saw her. When I walked into her hospital room I didn’t recognize my sister because of her swollen, black eye. I felt sad and sorry for her when I saw her head. It was a super bad injury. I asked Mom if Ev knew her head was shaved, and I wondered if she would wake up and feel so sad when she felt she was bald on one side.
I was scared and worried about Ev. She had a tube going into her nose and needles going into her arms. It made me know how serious it was. I just stood there staring at her. The picture of her hurt foot gave me butterflies in my stomach because it was neon orange and pink blood. I brought her a stress ball making kit, but she was asleep. I couldn’t talk to her. I brought Lourdes water and put a cross on her forehead with it. I think that may have been what healed her.