Mudhouse Sabbath
Lauren F. Winner
“It's not just that Jesus was a Jew, Jesus still is a Jew. Engaging Jewish practice and tradition is one important way of overcoming the gaps that...
View full detailsDiscover the Jewish roots of our faith, with this outstanding collection of resources from Paraclete Press.
“It's not just that Jesus was a Jew, Jesus still is a Jew. Engaging Jewish practice and tradition is one important way of overcoming the gaps that...
View full detailsExploring the Hebrew Bible, Midrash, and other rabbinic writings, the Rabbi Timoner uncovers surprising insights about how God as spirit influenc...
View full detailsThis bold, fresh look at the historical Jesus and the Jewish roots of Christianity challenges both Jews and Christians to re-examine their understa...
View full detailsFrom the snake in the Garden of Eden to the lost sheep in Luke’s parable, stories about fish and birds, rams and goats abound. We read about them, ...
View full detailsThe risk-taking composer of 400 published works taught for sixty-three years at Juilliard and Eastman, and has given masterclasses and workshops at...
View full detailsGloriæ Dei Cantores joins voices with the Jewish people in celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the State of Israel! This commemorative recording...
View full detailsA Prophecy of Peace: The Choral Music of Samuel Adler spans more than thirty-five years of works by award-winning American composer Samuel Adler. A...
View full detailsWhen Nazi Germany occupied Hungary in March 1944 violent persecution of the Jews began, including taking hundreds of thousands to concentration cam...
View full detailsJews have been celebrating the Passover through a special meal, called a seder, for millennia. Jesus himself celebrated the Passover feast with his...
View full detailsThe ancient rabbis believed that the Torah was divinely revealed and therefore contained eternal truths and multitudinous hidden meanings. Not a si...
View full detailsThe Rabbis of old believed that the Torah was divinely revealed and therefore contained eternal, perfect truths and hidden meaning that required e...
View full detailsOnce there was a town called Chelm where there was no luck. If something could go wrong, it did. The roofs of the houses always leaked. The sidewal...
View full detailsSAID’s 99 Psalms are poems of praise and lament, of questioning and wondering. In the tradition of the Hebrew psalmist, they find their voice in e...
View full detailsThis bold, fresh look at the historical Jesus and the Jewish roots of Christianity challenges both Jews and Christians to re-examine their understa...
View full detailsThis set includes Thou Art My Refuge, His Love Endures Forever, and He Has Heard My Voice all recorded in the superb acoustic of Gloriæ Dei Cantore...
View full details“It's not just that Jesus was a Jew, Jesus still is a Jew. Engaging Jewish practice and tradition is one important way of overcoming the gaps that...
View full detailsIndelibly marked by the rich traditions and spiritual practices of Judaism, a convert from Orthodox Judaism to Christianity explores eleven Jewish ...
View full detailsRetail Price: $56.98 Special Price (with 30% discount): $40Additional Coupon Codes will not apply to this product. Not available for rush shipping.
"A rare and remarkable achievement: the Holiness of the Trinity made accessible to anyone who's open--to anyone who breathes." EUGENE PETERSONHave...
View full detailsBuilding Bridges with Music: Stories from a Composer’s Life (Expanded Second Edition) Step into the extraordinary life of Samuel Adler, one of the ...
View full detailsIn all times, in different branches of the Christian family, there are people who have written or sung or spoken things that encouraged us to give our lives to God and to listen to His voice. At Paraclete Press, we gather and share these treasures.