Paraclete Music Talkbacks | Webinar Series

Join us this week for the eighth and final webinar of our first series of “Paraclete Music Talkbacks”.  This week will feature outtakes of various organ music reading sessions offering you music for the upcoming seasons.

This week we will be looking at anthems for the times in which we live—texts of hope, outcry, self-examination, prayer, and reflection upon Saint Benedict's Admonition: “Never lose hope in the mercy of God.”


This week we will be exploring Choral Music with an “Easy” grade level for 4-part voicing!  We will be featuring pieces from different seasons and a variety of composers.


Join us to explore Choral Music with an “Easy” grade level for Unison, 2-part and 3-part voicings!  We will be featuring pieces from different seasons and a variety of composers.

Join us to experience music that has come out of Salisbury Cathedral in England for a number of decades—by David Halls! David’s music addresses so many qualities in music we want for our churches, it will undoubtedly be a great joy to hear them and and talk with David Halls himself!


This week, we are joined by June Nixon, MusDoc., from her home in Australia. June’s music is full of character, strength, and, most importantly, her personality!


This week, we are joined by Dr. Robert Lau, whose work is known around the globe and who is as much fun to talk to as his music is to sing and play!


Paraclete Music Talk Backs with Jim Jordan exploring our resources for church music programs right along with many of the composers with whom we have the privilege to work!