Feast of Bartholomew, Apostle

Feast of Bartholomew, Apostle

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. —Psalm 46:4
When this rare idea takes root in us, we are able to deepen a centering prayer practice or some other form of meditation. Wow! To go from a noisy cluttered mind to a quiet mind is a beautiful thing. Then we invoke the Spirit and the Truth, which carries every breath, every thought. We are part of this dynamic eternal flow, not outside of it. The dominion of God is within. —Amos Smith, Be Still and Listen
Prayer of the Day
Gracious Jesus, I know I can get caught up in my own sense of self-importance. But you came to earth as one who serves. Give me the heart of a servant—like Bartholomew, who tradition tells us served you in Armenia by preaching and teaching. Help me to serve you wherever you call me. Amen.

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