A Gift is Coming
By Melodious Monk
Even a brief watching of the nightly news shows a world in need, and inwardly, we are never far from a spiritual battle between our human natures and God’s divine purposes. Here we are at Ascension, a time when Jesus tried to explain to his closest followers why he had to leave them. He said, “If I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you.” The word Advocate can be derived from the Greek word Parakletos, also phrased as “one called alongside.” Or, as the NIV translates the word, “one who speaks in our defense.” I forget regularly that Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit, our advocate, to help, to comfort, and to defend us. As the season of Easter is fading away, we have a great gift coming from Jesus. A gift I want to learn more about. In moments of need, I want to learn to gain strength and trust by following this Advocate’s counsel.