For Animal Lovers at Heart
Animals have a great capacity for love and devotion, and they reflect God’s enduring love for us all. Paraclete has wonderful books on animals for all ages. Sit down with a heartwarming story or choose one as an uplifting gift for a child, or for a grieving or suffering friend.
St. Francis and the Animals by Phil Gallery is a Mother Bird’s story. The animal kingdom can understand the life and teachings of St. Francis, the world’s most famous saint, so why can’t we? Readers young and old are delighted by this simple, beautiful book for the ages.
The Dog in the Dentist Chair by Peggy Frezon strengthens human kinships with animals, encourages humane treatment, and helps kids build lifelong bonds with animal friends. The book includes beautiful color photos of the actual animals in the stories, relevant and easy-to-read Bible verses, and ways children can give back and help animals.
We Will Miss You: Support for Grieving the Death of a Pet is the perfect gift for anyone who has lost the love and comfort of a pet. Animals are guileless and that sort of honesty touches the human heart in a unique way. We learn love, faithfulness, and trust by living closely with our beloved animal companions. This video offers support as one grieves the death of a pet who was companion, family member, and friend.
If you are looking for a book on grieving a pet, God Needed a Puppy by John Gray, (author of best-selling Manchester Christmas and Chasing Manhattan) is a good choice. Edgar the Owl and Freddy the Fox show readers of all ages how saying goodbye to a beloved animal does not mean saying goodbye forever. John guides children and adults through the grieving process and a portion of proceeds will be donated to animal shelters around the country.
The Wisdom of Wild Grace by Christine Valters Paintner is a collection of 30 poems inspired by the stories of kinship between saints and animals. The poems come from the early Christian desert and Celtic traditions, but also feature later medieval saints like St. Francis of Assisi and St. Julian of Norwich. These stories point to a reverence for a different way of knowing and being in the world. Each poem is a doorway to intimacy with our inner wilderness, a call to sit and be present, to discover beyond the borders of our neatly controlled worlds.
Finally, our newest release in this wonderful category is God Saw That It Was Good A Safari Through Salvation History by Brant Law. This book is a collection of stories about animals in the Bible, the lives of Catholic saints, and instances in the author's own life. A sprinkling of theological reflection and biblical commentary helps us not only become more familiar with these amazing stories, but also appreciate how God sometimes uses his creation to draw us closer to him and help guide us to the life he wants us to live.