By Sr. Fidelis
The Season of Lent is a wonderful time to look intently at the life of Jesus and at the example he has given us in his teachings and Parables.
Beati mundo corde is a Communion chant, based on the final three of the eight Beatitudes in the Gospel of Matthew. This melody emphasizes the upper range of Mode 1, with its Reciting Tone of LA. Here is a melody that is in direct contrast to last week’s Mode1 chant, which stayed on the lower end of the Mode, hovering around the Home Tone RE. It’s fascinating to see (and hear) how much variety there is within a particular Modal “family”.
The first two phrases of Beati mundo express each Beatitude in two sub phrases, pivoting on the word quoniam – for.
The last Beatitude reaches the climax of the piece on the word beati, or blessed, before the final phrase, quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum – for theirs is the kingdom of heaven, gently descends to its final RE.
It is interesting to note that the climactic “beati” leads to an angular, syllabic melodic patch on the word persecutionem – persecution, before returning to the graceful melodic line.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who suffer persecution for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.