February 15 Echoes of Eternity They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing f…

February 15 Echoes of Eternity
They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the Lord.
Isaiah 24:14
The curtains of your mind have been partially drawn back, My child, to give you a vision of the greatness and grandeur of My kingdom. “From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same”—“as far as East is from West”—“from generation to generation”—these are some of the divinely inspired descriptions of that greatness.
You need to bathe your soul in the vision, for your faith has been dwarfed, too encased in the timidity of your own heart. When I open your eyes to see, even briefly, what a great heritage you have, you must grasp and hold on to the larger reality. It will help you in fighting the extreme self-centeredness of your old nature.

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