January 7 Echoes of Eternity Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I will say, R…

January 7 Echoes of Eternity
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I will say, Rejoice.
Philippians 4:4
Praise is the best medicine, but praise must be from the right motive. It must not be thought of as a source of blessing and healing, even though they are its by–products. Praise must come from your gratitude for My many mercies, and for specific ones. Let it well up from your heart and unite with the universal song from all the ages past—an eternal alleluia. Let it drown out the little voices of woe and complaint that run around in your head. Let praise draw you out of
concern with your physical condition—and thus foretaste My victory over them all. Praise is work for you, My child, because you have done so little of it in your life. Redeem the time you have left on earth—let your mouth and your heart be filled with My praise.

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