June 17 Echoes of Eternity Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord? Who can sh…

June 17 Echoes of Eternity
Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord? Who can show forth all His praise?
Psalm 106:2
Praise My infinite compassion which I have freely bestowed on you. Praise befits the upright. Praise lifts up the spirit. Praise builds up faith. Praise defeats the enemy’s stratagems. Praise joins your prayer to heaven, where My saints are already united in unending praise. Earth’s sorrows are but the backdrop against which the glory of My compassion shines. They cannot dim that glory in the heart that is filled with praise. Praise is a weapon too little appreciated and too little used by My people. I have given it as a gift and have long instructed that it be used. There are no obstacles that cannot be overcome. But My ways are not the ways of the world. Worldly wisdom will fail. But praise—true praise and persistent praise in the face of darkness—will prevail.

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