March 20 Echoes of Eternity Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the we…

March 20 Echoes of Eternity
Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation, and in that day shall ye say, Praise the Lord.
Isaiah 12:3,4
With joy you shall draw water from the wells of salvation. The wells are deep and sometimes you must wait for the plumbing of the depths. The surface of your soul is like the surface of the sea—busily moving in many directions at the gusts of wind that blow on it. There is a restlessness there that must be gotten past. Or change the picture, My child, and compare it to a dry and thirsty desert. Unstable and shifting in many directions. So do not be discouraged that I require you to go deeper than the shifting sand, the restless sea. Quietness is in the depths. The “water of salvation” is plentiful and pure, but must be drawn from its source. Since most of your life is lived on the surface, it is all the more necessary that you take the time
to go deep and tap the life-giving wells.

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