October 30 Echoes of Eternity Cast thy burden upon the Lord. Take My yoke upon y…
October 30 Echoes of Eternity
Cast thy burden upon the Lord. Take My yoke upon you . . . for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
Psalm 55:22 and Matthew 11:29,30
Cast your burden upon Me, and take My burden upon you. Your burden is too heavy for you, My child. It is laden with sins past, old guilt, many fears, and unwholesome ambitions. There must
be a daily “casting” of this burden upon Me, or it will grow heavier and heavier, weighing you down and hindering your journey. Ask My Spirit’s searchlight to show you where you need to face any sin, repent, and be freed.
Take My burden in place of yours. My burden of care, of love for others who may never return yours in kind, of faithfulness in prayer and the burden of faith, of believing where you cannot see. Accept this burden, My child, and travel light!