Learning About Gregorian Chant

Gregorian Chant

  • ISBN: 9781557252920
  • Trim size: 0 x 0 inches
  • Weight: 2 ounces.
  • Publication Date: 01 Nov 2004
  • Product ID: S843
  • Format: CD-Audio
An essential introduction to Gregorian chant

Known throughout the world as the leading masters of Gregorian chant, the monks of Solesmes have released Learning about Gregorian Chant.This recording simplifies and clarifies the world of chant for those to whom Gregorian chant is a mystery. The combination of a clearly understood text (read by Sarah Moule) with the fluidly sung examples (sung by the Benedictine monks of Solesmes), convinces the listener that Gregorian chant is open to everyone for enjoyment and prayer. The clear and concise presentation on this recording will make it a valuable resource for educators, musicologists, students of music and those who wish for a basic understanding of chant.

     The History of Gregorian Chant
     Track 1-Gloria (with ringing of the bells)
     Track 2-Ambrosian Gloria
     Track 3-Antiphon     In mandatis and Psalm 111
     Track 4-Psalm 100
     Track 5-Psalm 111
The Gregorian Musical Forms     Proper of the Mass
     Track 6-Introit     Nos autem
     Track 7-Gradual     Concupivit
     Track 8-Alleluia     Psacha nostrum
     Track 9-Offertory     Laetentur
     Track 10-Communion     Psacha nostrum
Ordinary of the Mass
     Track 11-Kyrie III
     Track 12-Gloria IX
     Track 13-Sanctus XVIII
     Track 14-Agnus Dei XVIII
Divine Office
     Track 15-Antiphon     Dixit Dominus and Psalm 109
     Track 16-Antiphon     Si offers and Magnificat
     Track 17-Response     Credo
     Track 18-Hymn     Lucis creator
     Track 19-Hymn     Salve festa dies



"A very useful tool for helping people to understand what Gregorian chant really is, how it was created and for what purpose. The combination of spoken explanation (in plain English!) and the carefully chosen sung examples is the best way to begin one's acquaintance with Gregorian chant. When you finish listening to this CD, you will have a wonderful sense of just how rich and diverse is this artistic and religious treasure of Western civilization."  —Fr. Columba Kelly, OSB, St. Meinrad Archabbey

"It is a marvelous, brief explanation of the various types and styles of the chant, going from its early, simple forms of recitation to the elaborate, soloistic forms. Dom Saulnier's historical explanations of the origins of the texts and their use in the service is especially interesting as is their development along the way into today's usage I have always been amazed at the depth of his knowledge as to the whole history of chant performance and to hear his brief and very meaningful comments is a real pleasure.
I need hardly say that the recordings of chant from the abbey are, to my mind, still the finest on the market, thanks to Dom Claire and it is good to hear them brought out again for the American public For anyone interested in what the various forms of chant are and where and why they were used this is a wonderfully concise and informative recording."— Dr. Robert M. Fowells, founder of the Los Angeles Gregorian Schola, California State University

“The most famous and ‘authentic’ recordings of Gregorian chant for generations have been those made by the Solesmes monks.”   —The Boston Globe

“The music is utterly magnificent and the singing of this great choir is thrilling beyond words…it’s better to starve to this music than to live without it.”   —Classic CD

“Supremely ethereal.”   —USA Today

“Solesmes sets the standard for Gregorian chant performance.”  —American Record Guide

"The success of Gregorian chant in the past century, and the centered richness of prayer it brings to all of us, is almost singularly due to the herculean efforts of the Benedictine Monks of Solesmes, France." 

"Communicates a mood of mystery, timelessness, peace, beauty, and contemplation." 

"The Monks of Solesmes ... use the most authentic manuscripts and ancient documents to recover the original melodies." 

"The monks' chanting is living, strong, unvarnished." 

"The chant is organic and text-based ... the singing is full and well-supported." 

"The recordings present entire liturgies, mostly sung live (creating) ... a sense of unbroken, focused prayer." 

"There's something incredible fresh and new ... which is well worth your attention." 

—New Liturgical Movement 

" ... Beauty and immense spiritual power when sung by the Monastic Choir of St. Peter's Abbey, Solesmes, France" 

"The music is exceptionally inviting, engaging listeners' ears with beauty and elevating their thoughts no matter what their spiritual or religious beliefs and doctrines may be." 

"The beauties of Gregorian chant...encourage inward looking, contemplation, thoughtfulness, a kind of separation from mundane affairs ... Gregorian chant resonates." 

"The sensitive, careful, beautifully measured performances here can be used as an entry point to an earlier time." 

—TransCentury Communications 

Author Bio
The Recorded Legacy of Solesmes

Since the refounding of the monastery of St. Peter of Solesmes in 1833 under Dom Prosper Gueranger, this Benedictine monastery on the River Sarthe in western France has set the world standard both for performance of Gregorian chant and the authenticity of the music itself. Commissioned by Pope Pius X to research the role of chant in liturgy and to edit books on chant that reflect this research, Solesmes enjoys an enviable reputation. Its work in liturgical reform and in the current revival of Gregorian chant has been likened to that of the great abbey of Cluny in the Middle Ages.  These recordings incorporate new understandings of ancient manuscripts and represent a distillation of nearly 200 years of scholarship in the chant: musical paleography, semiology, and modality. The groundbreaking work by the monks of Solesmes has contributed to today’s resurgence of interest in Gregorian chant as the foundation of Western music.  Paraclete Press is proud to be the North American distributor of the recordings of the monks of Solesmes. These recordings have won numerous prestigious international awards, including the Grand Prix du Disque, Deutsche Schallplatten Prize, Diapason d’Or, and the Edison Prize.

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