Sing Noel

with Gloriae Dei Cantores

By (artist) Gloriae Dei Cantores

  • ISBN: 9781612619156
  • Trim size: 0 x 0 inches
  • Weight: 4 ounces.
  • Publication Date: 01 Jun 1999
  • Product ID: G128
  • Format: CD-Audio
Sing Noel with Gloriae Dei Cantores, handbells and brass, is a Christmas treat from beginning to end!

A colorful set of stirring carols moving seamlessly from one to another. From "Caroling, Caroling" to "Carol of the Friendly Beasts" and "Ding Dong! Merrily on High" — this recording of musical delights brings you a traditional Christmas experience that will brighten your Christmas cheer and warm your heart. The ageless and profound wonder of Christmas comes alive with this collection found in Sing Noel.

Gloriae Dei Cantores collaborated with The Boston Pops Orchestra on 10 Holiday Tours

"One of the finest crafted, best blended, and innately musical ensembles with which I have had the pleasure to work."
—Keith Lockhart, Conductor, Boston Pops

"I adore well-executed choral music for the holidays, and the Gloriae Dei Cantores certainly fills the bill. Sing Noel is an outstanding, no-nonsense, moving release of intensely lovely seasonal music. Every cut works here. I especially enjoyed the crisp a cappella treatment of Caroling, Caroling (perhaps the best version I have ever heard), the brassy exuberance of Ding Dong! Merrily on High, and the commanding, nuanced delivery of Masters in This Hall.  Fans of choral music will thrill to the classic sounds of the Gloriae Dei Cantores on Sing Noel. Bravo!" 

". . . And so I listened - The First Noel came and went as did I Wonder as I Wander. . .lush, rich and - well, was it my imagination or did I see the ghost of Jimmy Stewart, eyes twinkling. . . "
"Actually there's a deal of imaginative orchestration here, plenty to interest. . . seventy minutes had passed as in the blinking of an eye."
"They sing the Sussex Carol with beautiful tone and an eloquent, touchingly uplifting descant."
—Musicweb International

"The choral artistry for which Gloriae Dei Cantores has become known can be heard in each selection. The ageless and profound wonder of Christmas comes alive with the singing of each word and the playing of each note."
—Christianity and the Arts

Author Bio
Gloriæ Dei Cantores (Singers to the Glory of God) holds a passionate dedication to illuminate truth and beauty through choral artistry, celebrating a rich tradition of sacred choral music from Gregorian chant through the 21st century. Currently under the direction of Richard K. Pugsley, Gloriæ Dei Cantores has received critical acclaim for its artistic elegance, performance authenticity, and compelling spirituality. Sharing its vision of inspiration and hope, the choir has toured extensively, touching the hearts of audiences in twenty-four countries in Europe, Asia, and N. America. Its discography of over 50 recordings is distributed internationally through Paraclete Recordings, a division of Paraclete Press, Inc., and NAXOS, Inc. The choir makes its home in Orleans, MA.

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