Catching Fire, Becoming Flame

A Guide for Spiritual Transformation — Revised & Expanded Tenth Anniversary Edition

By (author) Albert Haase OFM

  • ISBN: 9781640608610
  • Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
  • Weight: 10.4 ounces.
  • Pages: 320
  • Publication Date: 17 Jan 2023
Fire up your spiritual journey with the revised and expanded edition of beloved spiritual director Albert Haase, OFM’s bestselling guide to a vibrant, fulfilling spiritual life!
Ever wonder how some people become enthusiastic and on fire about their relationship with God? In thirty-eight power-packed, concise chapters, Albert Haase gives you the tools and kindling to prepare for the spark of God in your life – and then shows you how to fan it into flame until you are set ablaze. This book glows with time-tested wisdom as an experienced spiritual director shares the secrets of the saints. Feel cold? Or maybe just smoldering? With supplemental reading suggestions and reflection questions, this eminently practical book functions like a personal, spiritual retreat. 

Catching Fire, Becoming Flame — 10th Anniversary Edition: A Guide for Spiritual Transformation:
  • Features a new introduction, 5 brand new chapters, and thoroughly revised and updated content throughout the book.
  • Gives you the practical tools and time-honored techniques to grow your relationship with God.
  • Shows you how to respond to God’s fiery passion, how to engage it, and, most important, how to be changed by it.
  • Features purposely short and concise chapters, allowing you ample time in one convenient sitting not only to read it, but also to reflect on its questions or practice the presented technique.
Catching Fire, Becoming Flame is designed to be a handy resource for expanding your knowledge and practice of ancient and contemporary spiritual practices. It will fuel your creativity and appreciation for myriad ways to fall in love with God—which, in the end, is what being on fire is all about.




"This is a book to carry with one for a lifetime. Have it handy in times of review and reflection for the questions it poses. Take it on retreat. Discuss it in community and with a director. While not scripture, it is founded in the initiative of God, soaked with biblical reflection, and reflects centuries of wisdom. I’m glad to have this companion on the journey." — Bob Trube, Bob on Books

"There are far too many books on “how to” live a successful spiritual life. Unfortunately, most offer a methodology that works for some rather than a broader approach suitable for all. By blending the ancient with the contemporary, offering experiential stories, and suggesting multiple possible starting points, Haase invites renewal." —Greg Smith, So What Faith

Author Bio
Ordained a Franciscan priest in 1983, Albert Haase, OFM, ( is a popular preacher in both Catholic and Protestant churches and a teacher of spiritual formation. For 5 years, he was the co-host of the weekend show, "Spirit and Life," heard on the national Relevant Radio Network. A former missionary to mainland China for more than 11 years, he is the author not only of the audio series, THE LORD'S PRAYER: A Summary of the Entire Gospel, published by He is also the presenter on five best selling streaming videos available from Paraclete Press: CATCHING FIRE, BECOMING FLAME: A Guide for Spiritual Transformation, KEEPING THE FIRE ALIVE: Navigating Challenges in the Spiritual Life, COME, FOLLOW ME: Six Responses to the Call of Jesus, SAYING YES: What is God's Will for Me?, and THE BE ATTITUDES: Ten Paths to Holiness. Each program consists of six 30-minute presentations and includes a Group Discussion Guide.

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