He Was Placed In The Tomb

Gregorian Chant

  • ISBN: 9781557251930
  • Trim size: 0 x 0 inches
  • Weight: 3 ounces.
  • Publication Date: 01 Apr 1997
  • Product ID: S836
  • Format: CD-Audio
"Solesmes' He Was Placed in the Tomb contains the Gregorian Office for Holy (or "Great") Saturday, the evening service that observes the time Christ spent in the bonds of death; it is signified by the lighting of the candle of Paschali…This performance of the Office is by the Monastic Choir of St. Peter's Abbey in Solesmes, presumably from their own edition, which has been the Vatican standard since 1903…This one of the very last recordings of the Solesmes choir as led by its longtime director, the late Dom Jean Claire, who retired shortly thereafter. The choir is in excellent voice; the pacing of the chant is as it should be and the acoustic in the Abbey Church at Solesmes is warm and bathes the voices in a benevolent ambience.  This office consists of four Nocturnes, Lauds, and Vespers, with the pieces toward the ends of the Nocturnes being the most captivating within the office, particularly the Mode 4 and 5 Responsory at the end of the first Nocturne and the breathtakingly beautiful Responsories in Modes 8 and 4 that conclude the Second Nocturne"

"As a representation of the Holy Saturday service in Gregorian terms, this is about as liturgically accurate, and as well performed, as it gets. Outside of its purely religious context, Solesmes' He Was Placed In The Tomb would be an excellent disc to accompany late-night reading or other nocturnal, quiet activities." —www.AllMusic.com

First Nocturne of Vigils
     Track 1-Antiphon     In pace and Psalm 4
     Track 2-Antiphon     Habitabit and Psalm 14
     Track 3-Antiphon     Caro me and Psalm 15
     Track 4-Responsory     Sicut ovis
     Track 5-Responsory     Jerusalem, surge
     Track 6-Responsory     Plange
 Second Nocturne of Vigils
     Track 7-Antiphon     Elevamini and Psalm 23
     Track 8-Antiphon     Credo and Psalm 26
     Track 9-Antiphon     Domine and Psalm 29
     Track 10-Responsory     Recessit
     Track 11-Responsory     O vos omnes
     Track 12-Responsory     Ecce quomodo
Third Nocturne of Vigils
     Track 13-Antiphon     Deus adiuvat and Psalm 53
     Track 14-Antiphon     In pace and Psalm 75
     Track 15-Antiphon     Factus sum and Psalm 87
     Track 16-Responsory     Astiterunt
     Track 17-Responsory     Aestimatus sum
     Track 18-Responsory     Sepulto Domino
     Track 19-Antiphon     O mors and Psalm 50
     Track 20-Antiphon     Plangent and Psalm 91
     Track 21-Antiphon     Attendite and Psalm 63
     Track 22-Antiphon     A porta and canticle Isaiah
     Track 23-Antiphon     O vos omnes and Psalm 150
     Track 24-Antiphon     Mulieres and Benedictus
     Track 25-Responsory     Christus factus est
     Track 26-Antiphon     Hodie and Psalm 115
     Track 27-Antiphon     Cum his and Psalm 119
     Track 28-Antiphon     Ab hominibus and Psalm 139
     Track 29-Antiphon     Custodi me and Psalm 140
     Track 30-Antiphon     Considerabam and Psalm 141
     Track 31-Antiphon     Principes and Magnificat
     Track 32-Responsory     Christus resurgens



“The most famous and ‘authentic’ recordings of Gregorian chant for generations have been those made by the Solesmes monks.”   —The Boston Globe

“The music is utterly magnificent and the singing of this great choir is thrilling beyond words…it’s better to starve to this music than to live without it.”     —Classic CD

“Supremely ethereal.”  —USA Today

“Solesmes sets the standard for Gregorian chant performance.”  —American Record Guide

"The success of Gregorian chant in the past century, and the centered richness of prayer it brings to all of us, is almost singularly due to the herculean efforts of the Benedictine Monks of Solesmes, France." 

"Communicates a mood of mystery, timelessness, peace, beauty, and contemplation." 

"The Monks of Solesmes ... use the most authentic manuscripts and ancient documents to recover the original melodies." 

"The monks' chanting is living, strong, unvarnished." 

"The chant is organic and text-based ... the singing is full and well-supported." 

"There's something incredible fresh and new ... which is well worth your attention." 

—New Liturgical Movement 

"Beauty and immense spiritual power when sung by the Monastic Choir of St. Peter's Abbey, Solesmes, France" 

"The music is exceptionally inviting, engaging listeners' ears with beauty and elevating their thoughts no matter what their spiritual or religious beliefs and doctrines may be." 

"The beauties of Gregorian chant...encourage inward looking, contemplation, thoughtfulness, a kind of separation from mundane affairs ... Gregorian chant resonates." 

"The sensitive, careful, beautifully measured performances here can be used as an entry point to an earlier time." 

—TransCentury Communications 

Author Bio
The Recorded Legacy of Solesmes

Since the refounding of the monastery of St. Peter of Solesmes in 1833 under Dom Prosper Gueranger, this Benedictine monastery on the River Sarthe in western France has set the world standard both for performance of Gregorian chant and the authenticity of the music itself. Commissioned by Pope Pius X to research the role of chant in liturgy and to edit books on chant that reflect this research, Solesmes enjoys an enviable reputation. Its work in liturgical reform and in the current revival of Gregorian chant has been likened to that of the great abbey of Cluny in the Middle Ages.  These recordings incorporate new understandings of ancient manuscripts and represent a distillation of nearly 200 years of scholarship in the chant: musical paleography, semiology, and modality. The groundbreaking work by the monks of Solesmes has contributed to today’s resurgence of interest in Gregorian chant as the foundation of Western music.  Paraclete Press is proud to be the North American distributor of the recordings of the monks of Solesmes. These recordings have won numerous prestigious international awards, including the Grand Prix du Disque, Deutsche Schallplatten Prize, Diapason d’Or, and the Edison Prize.

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