Every Body Wonderfully Made

God's Good Plan for Boys and Girls

By (author) Courtney Siebring

Illustrated by Irina Avgustinovich

  • ISBN: 9781640609686
  • Trim size: 9.25 x 9.25 inches
  • Pages: 32
  • Publication Date: 24 Sep 2024
  • Format: Hardcover
Boy or girl? Tall or short? Every Body Wonderfully Made shows how every detail was planned with purpose by our loving Creator. 
“You are great, God, and my body is, too! Help me use it for goodness, beauty, and truth.” 

Motivated by Psalm 139, this book tells of the incredible delight that each human is lovingly crafted by God, fearfully and wonderfully made. Through imaginative illustrations, lovable characters, and playful language, children can celebrate the wonderful miracle of their bodies. Every Body Wonderfully Made speaks directly to each child about their worth, purpose, and uniqueness in the eyes of the Creator. Every child has amazing opportunities to experience life, creation, beauty, and love.  

Every Body Wonderfully Made encourages children ages 3 to10 in their identity—boy or girl—from a biblical point of view. Paired with rich, colorful illustrations that assist early readers in understanding sophisticated concepts, Every Body Wonderfully Made teaches children about the goodness of their loving heavenly Father, who created them on purpose with purpose in their beautiful bodies.  

Every Body Wonderfully Made:  
  • Is the perfect book for boys and girls ages 3–10 to learn about just how much they are worth in the eyes of God. 
  • Makes a wonderful gift for baby showers, birthdays, and elementary/preschool graduations.
  • Provides parents, grandparents, and caregivers a wonderful narrative to help explain the dignity, worth, and beauty of each child from a God-centered perspective.
  • Is a valuable resource for homeschooling families, librarians, children’s ministers, Sunday school teachers, and Christian school educators.
Every Body Wonderfully Made lovingly cups each child’s chin, looks deeply into their eyes, and says, “You were made on purpose with purpose.” It affirms to children’s hearts that their bodies –male or female– are inextricably linked to their personhood. We are God’s workmanship. —Courtney Siebring, Author

Learn more about Every Body Wonderfully Made and find free resources at https://everybodywonderfullymade.com/




​“Every Body is a sweet and whimsical story that reminds boys and girls that they are made just the way they are for a beautifully designed purpose. In a world of confusion, these words teach children the important truth that nothing about them is an accident. Every Body is uniquely and rightly designed by their perfect Creator—and that’s something to celebrate!” —Sarah Walton, co-author of Hope When It Hurts and author of The Long Road Home

"A cheery picture book from Paraclete, Every Body Wonderfully Made: God's Good Plan for Boys and Girls ... begins by delighting in every child's physical features, nose to toes, then leads straight to a message that distinct male and female bodies are determined by God and unchangeable." —Publisher's Weekly

"We need books like Every Body Wonderfully Made to help us ground our kids in the truth that our gender is a gift from God that can never change. Every family should get a copy of Every Body Wonderfully Made and use it to share God’s good plan for boys and girls. This is a book I want my grandkids to read." —Marty Machowski, Family Pastor and author of God Made Boys and GirlsThe Ology, and other gospel-rich resources for church and home.

"Every Body Wonderfully Made would be a perfect addition to a Catholic preschool classroom, a homeschool family’s health curriculum, a church lending library, and/or the bookshelf of any young Catholic child. With its appealing illustrations, kid-friendly text, and unapologetically Christian message, this is a book I recommend highly to anyone who reads with little ones." —Katie Fitzgerald, CatholicMom.com

"Every Body is a delightful, whimsical primer that invites children into an incarnational understanding of gender and the body. Each page celebrates the gift of the body as a sign of God’s deep love for us." —Abigail Favale, author of The Genesis of Gender, Here I Am, and professor in the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame

"What a rollicking, fun, creative party this is, with great, playful illustrations of folks of all sorts — young and old, multicultural and multi-ethnic, abled and otherwise, boys and girls, urban and rural —showing folks at a county fair having a great time. It is a well-done rhyming book showing all the many things we — by using our bodies — can do.

From painting to playing to serving others to imagining growing up to be mothers or fathers, perhaps, to being still, there is so much going on about a child’s worth, purpose, and dignity. Thoughtful Christians these days are speaking much about being made in God’s image, about our calling to steward the creation, about being (as Psalms 139 puts it) “fearfully and wonderfully made.” We give God glory by living well, even with virtues of goodness and beauty, in God’s good world. These lovable characters are celebrating the miracle of their bodies, in the spirit of, and informed by, Psalm 139." —Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Books

"Together, the words and images work together in Every Body Wonderfully Made to help children love the body they were given and use it for God’s glory. In a world that celebrates gender confusion, it is sorely needed!" —Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur, Today's Catholic Homeschooling

Author Bio
Courtney Siebring is an artist and military spouse who makes her home with her husband and daughter, wherever that may be. Her devotion to Christ, background in theatre making and performance, current work as a voiceover artist, and longtime practice of writing poetry informs the way she sees and interacts with the world. Courtney has published two children’s books, Little Spark of Life and Every Body Wonderfully Made, with Paraclete Press and poetry with The Way Back To Ourselves literary journal. She can often be found in natural settings with her family—reading, writing, and connecting the dots between faith and art. 

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