Centering Prayers Volume 2

Daily Peace for Turbulent Times

By (author) Peter Traben Haas

  • ISBN: 9781640609211
  • Trim size: 5.25 x 6.5 inches
  • Pages: 272
  • Publication Date: 08 Oct 2024
  • Format: Paperback

Looking for peace in these turbulent times? Centering Prayers Volume 2 offers a contemplative sanctuary from the challenges of daily life.

Take refuge  from the storms of life with this beautiful offering of meditative prayers, an accompanying resource to the first volume of Peter's prayers in Centering Prayers: A One-Year Daily Companion for Going Deeper into the Love of God. In this new volume, Peter Traben Haas invites you to recenter yourself every day in God’s presence and explore the loving connection he has with each of us. With a new poetic focus on themes of earth, water, and sky, these prayers will draw you closer to the heart of God and into the stillness of his perfect peace.



“To center in on what needs to be said—nothing more, nothing less—that's a rare art. That's what Peter Traben Haas offers us in his new volume of Centering Prayers. Highly recommended!” —Brian D. McLaren, author of Do I Stay Christian?
“Peter tells us, ‘In the silence of the new year, I see the me is a We.’ This is what happens when we sit with God. God becomes our partner in life. Allow these beautiful prayers to guide and settle you into the silence of your centering prayer sit.” —Rich Lewis, author of Sitting with God: A Journey to Your True Self Through Centering Prayer
“A beautiful, honest and consoling book of prayers. Peter Traben Haas is a wise and compassionate guide.”—Douglas E. Christie, PhD, Author of The Blue Sapphire of the Mind: Notes for a Contemplative Ecology. 
“These prayers act as both a holy pause - a space to rest into when our own words seem to fail us - and a spark - a way of igniting our recommitment to be a loving presence in the world. Full of gratitude, humility, and devotion, Haas calls us back into communion with ourselves, with creation, and with the Holy One.”  —Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, online abbess of Abbey of the Arts and author of 20 books on spirituality and the contemplative life 


Author Bio
Rev., Dr. Peter Traben Haas rises each morning watching the light shade from dark to dawn. The still silence births words. His aim as a pastor and writer is to deepen spiritual fecundity by exploring biblical wisdom, verse by verse. He is an ordained Teaching Pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and earned a B.A. from Moody Bible, an M.Div. from Princeton Seminary, and a Doctorate of Ministry from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Peter is the author of multiple books and is widely known for his series of profound daily prayers in Paraclete Press' book series Centering Prayers.

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