Fresh Air
The Holy Spirit for an Inspired Life
By (author) Jack Levison
- ISBN: 9781612610689
- Trim size: 5.37 x 8 inches
- Weight: 7.8 ounces.
- Pages: 240
- Publication Date: 06 Aug 2024
- Product ID: 0689
- Format: Paperback
Have you ever read a book that traced the path of an inspired life—a life we all long for—not just from the mountaintop or in the monastery, but in real life—inspired life—in the gritty rhythm of our ordinary days?
This revised anniversary edition of Fresh Air captures the poignant stories of a husband and father, the provocative insight of a renowned scholar, and the down-to-earth strategies of a gifted teacher. The result is stunning. In this profound and winsome book, you will discover the life and work of the Holy Spirit in the rhythm of everyday life, because the Holy Spirit is timeless and always relevant.
Filled with fresh insight about the beauty and mystery that is the Holy Spirit, drawn from Jack’s depth of personal experiences over a lifetime of faith, this new edition of Fresh Air is a go-to guide for anyone who wants to meet the Holy Spirit for the first time, as well as for those who:
- Are looking for new inspiration for a truly spirit-led life
- Need to take in a fresh breath of the spirit's life-giving wind
- Long for a bolder inspired relationship with the Holy Spirit
“I’ve never found a more comprehensive treatment of the Holy Spirit. I return to Fresh Air time and again to be renewed in my devotion.”
—FR. DAVE DWYER, Busted Halo
“There are few elements of our faith that are as passionately debated or largely ignored as the Holy Spirit, a topic that easily induces both fiery discourse and faint shrugs. Mystery has always made for an awkward bedfellow. Jack Levison somehow invites us to dig deep into the soil of Biblical study on the topic, unearth and examine its complex root system, and then marvel at the beauty that blooms above. Wild and growing in imperfect rows. Let it be so with my own knowledge of the Holy Spirit. Fresh Air offers careful examination of the Holy Spirit, all tangled up with a wide wonder."
–Nichole Nordeman
"People told me Jack Levison was a great teacher, and when I read this book I realized why. His excitement is infectious; he tells a great story; he sets little-known biblical passages on fire and drills down to unimagined depths in well-known ones. He has a boyish enthusiasm, but his account of the holy spirit - and what the spirit can do for whole churches, not just individuals! - is mature, seasoned, challenging and wise. His scholarship is spot on, his human warmth and Christian compassion are everywhere. An unbeatable combination."
–N. T. Wright
"Fresh Air is, well, a breath of fresh air. Jack Levison fuses an accurate but unpretentious examination of the Holy Spirit in Scripture with a lively and generous style that invites the entire Christian community, regardless of label, to embrace God's Spirit in the everyday ordinariness of life."
–Eugene Peterson
"Fresh Air is exactly what its title promises: a lively, fresh study of the theology of the Holy Spirit by a brilliant and spirited theologian. If there is such a thing as poignant Christian midrash, then this surely is it."
–Phyllis Tickle
"Jack Levison's book is the most biblical, wide-ranging, innovative, and refreshing book on the Holy Spirit in years. The Spirit is here de-programmed and set loose. You may be surprised in every chapter, I know I was."
–Scot McKnight
“Fresh Air is on my shelf because I've never found a more comprehensive treatment of the Holy Spirit as revealed to us in God’s Word. With scholarly insight and a practical, accessible style, Jack Levison pushes believers beyond our comfortable Sunday school notions of this most mysterious person of the Trinity. As a Catholic priest whose community roots our prayer in the Holy Spirit, I return to Fresh Air time and again to be renewed in my devotion.”
–Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, Executive Director of Busted Halo Ministries
“No one has done more academically to help us understand the pervasive work of the Spirit in Scripture than Jack Levison. And, in his typical fashion, he is not content to leave the matter in the academic arena. The result is Fresh Air, now in its revised edition, which has been and will continue to be a model of public scholarship on a topic so central to a lived faith.”
–Peter Enns, co-host of The Bible for Normal People podcast and author of Curveball: When Faith Takes Turns You Never Saw Coming
“This book is powerful for three reasons. First, it gives us a fresh understanding of how the Holy Spirit still lives in us today. Second, it urges us not to be too fixated on worldly boundaries that can often quench the Spirit. Third, it can renew our own spiritual lives and lifts us up from spiritual mediocrity to a dynamism that only God can instill. We all need a dose of fresh air from time to time. For Christians, especially those who feel they have been mediocre, this is the fresh air that will revitalize your walk in Christ.”
—Conrade Yap, M. Div., D. Min., Panorama of a Book Saint Blog
"Jack Levison's ability to describe and bring the Holy Spirit alive through the Scripture in such a delightful, winsome, and deeply beautiful way is a profound and meaningful gift to all of us. This is a stop, drop, and read book. Don't miss it."
–Margaret Feinberg, author of More Power To You