O Come Emmanuel: A Musical Tour of Daily Readings for Advent and Christmas

By (author) Gordon Giles

  • ISBN: 9781557255150
  • Trim size: 5.37 x 8 x 0.5 inches
  • Weight: 7 ounces.
  • Pages: 168
  • Publication Date: 01 Nov 2006
  • Format: Paperback
What are the legends behind and the messages within some of your favorite beloved Christmas Carols and Hymns? 

This book of daily devotions highlights well-known, and perhaps less familiar hymns that surrounds the season. From December 1 to January 6, from the first days of Advent, through Christmas, ending at Epiphany, each day, Gordon Giles invites you to draw closer to God through spiritual and historical explorations of beloved, familiar carols.

As you read and reflect, consider the meaning of some of the famous Christmas carols that we often sing without a passing thought. Meet obscure saints as well as living poets and musicians of faith, and reflect on the timeless truths of love and forgiveness, pain and loss, darkness and light, in preparation for the coming of the Light of the World.

Carols can teach and show us a great deal about our faith and can help us in our pilgrimage through life, reminding, cajoling, and inspiring us to take the incarnation of Jesus seriously and to live our lives in the marvelous light of the love that God shows us by sending Jesus to us as savior. Over the next few weeks, we will explore some of the Christmas music that we hear all too often, and some that may be unfamiliar.

We will meet Christians from the past, and living poets and musicians of faith. In their words we find profound spiritual insight but also sometimes questionable theology, mystical wonder, and pagan influence. We will dance with Christ, and walk with the wise men. We will travel to Turkey, Italy, Sweden, Germany, France, and Spain on our route to the cradle at Bethlehem. And then we will flee from Herod to Coventry, although our apparently bleak midwinter will still be warmed by the sun of righteousness.

As we venture into the season of Advent, and from there to Christmas and Epiphany, accompanied by a diverse group of musicians and poets, let us look for inspiration, hope, solace, and encouragement and remember that our ultimate desire is the praise of God, creator Father, incarnate Son, and living Spirit, not only at this time of year, but always. --
Introduction, O Come Emmanuel

“If, like me, you have always been confused by the imagery of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas,’ you will find this book both compelling and illuminating. Gordon Giles has selected a kaleidoscopic mixture of musical settings of scripture, hymns and carols, from Gibbons to Taizé, Plainchant to Kendrick, via Bach, Berlioz, Vaughan Williams, Menotti and many others. He writes with engaging insight and perception, providing us with material for reflection, prayer and meditation.” —John Scott, Organist and Director of Music, St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue, New York City
“If you've ever wondered about the origins of a favorite Christmas carol, you'll enjoy this book, subtitled A Musical Tour of Daily Readings for Advent and Christmas. Like most devotionals, the book offers daily readings and meditations. It goes from the beginning of December to the Feast of the Epiphany on Jan. 6. The centerpiece of each day's reading, however, is an exploration of the history and spiritual significance of a beloved piece of Christmas music.” —Mary A. Jacobs, Dallas Morning News

“O Come Emmanuel: A Musical Tour of Daily Readings for Advent and Christmas by Gordon Giles is a handy spiritual book for the holidays. This pretty paperback of 165 pages contains song lyrics and poems, a reading and a prayer for each day from Dec. 1 to Jan. 6. It's bound to add to the reader's appreciation for the holy days, and you can keep it and read it with the family every year, finding something new each Christmas season.” —Record-Courier

Author Bio
Rev'd Canon Dr Gordon Giles studied Music at Lancaster University, and Philosophy, and then theology at Magdalene College and Ridley Hall, Cambridge before being ordained in 1995.  He served his curacy at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Cambridge, and then served as Succentor of St Paul’s Cathedral between 1998-2003 before becoming Vicar of St Mary Magdalene’s, Enfield (London).  Between 2008-2019 he was also Director of Post-Ordination Training in the Edmonton Area of London Diocese.   Gordon’s doctorate is in hymnology and he is an Editor of Ancient and Modern (2013) and a Director of the English Hymnal Company, and has written several Lent and Advent books for the Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) as well as being Editor of their 'New Daylight' notes. Gordon arrived in Rochester in June 2020 to take on the role of Canon Chancellor of Rochester Cathedral with wife Jessica and daughter, and Shih Tzu dogs Leo and Lexi.

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