Your Light Gives Us Hope

24 Daily Practices for Advent

By (author) Anselm Grün

  • ISBN: 9781612619040
  • Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
  • Weight: 8 ounces.
  • Pages: 112
  • Publication Date: 10 Oct 2017
  • Product ID: 9040
  • Format: Paperback
A daily reader of very simple and often quite direct reflections by Benedictine monk Anselm Grün, this Advent devotional offers the reader an opportunity to approach the festive season consciously, making it a blessed time for ourselves and our families. 

Celebrated author and Benedictine monk Anselm Grün,draws on his experience as a spiritual director to offer practices for personal devotion or for family prayer for each day of Advent. Also included are special reflections for the Sundays of the season. Anselm Grün’s titles have sold more than 15 million copies in 30 languages. This title brings his spiritual wisdom to American readers who are eager for a new voice among titles for the Advent and Christmas season.

Recover the original meaning of Advent as a time of stillness, waiting and watching. Fr. Anselm Grün illuminates a path for his readers through the days leading to Christ’s coming at Christmas, but also to his daily coming in our hearts. Twenty-four meditations on Scripture and Advent traditions are paired with simple practices to help all of us experience more intentionally Christ’s saving power in our lives.”

“A daily reader of very simple and often quite direct Advent reflections. Anselm Grün deftly shows the reader how to approach the festive season consciously, making it a blessed time for ourselves and our families. He draws on his own personal experience as a spiritual director to offer practices for personal devotion or for family prayer for each day of Advent. Also included are special reflections for the Sundays of the season. Your Light Gives Us Hope brings the spiritual wisdom of Anselm Grün to a new generation of American readers who are eager for a new voice for celebrating the Advent and Christmas season.” —Midwest Book Review

“Father Grün is a very well-known author of both adult and children’s books, especially in Europe. His courses on formation and his ministry of spiritual direction are universally appreciated—he’s sold over 15 million copies of his many books in over 30 languages! He brings to mind, at least in this regard, the irony of Thomas Merton, a huge, best-selling author and public speaker known the world over, despite his having been a Cistercian who took a vow of silence, and was usually silent when at his Abbey. In any event, Grün is known as gentle, still, man, and his calm spirit is nearly felt in his books; this one is no exception. He invites you to come ‘face to face with the God who loves you’ and he helps illuminate a path towards that encounter by helping you learn to experience, to practice, even in our waiting. Each chapter, in fact, pairs a Scripture, an Advent tradition, and a simple practice. Some may think this is too simple but it is deceptively so. His psychological insight, his theological rigor, and his Biblical warmth and wisdom makes this book a very nice way to help Jesus come daily into our own hearts, even as He comes into the whole world.” —Hearts & Minds

“An excellent guide.” —The Leaven

“Translated from German, Your Light Gives Us Hope is separated into short chapters that direct readers to practice mindfulness during the hectic weeks leading up to Christmas. Readings connect the Rule of Benedict with Scripture and tales of the angels, prophets and the saints...Grun, a German Benedictine monk and author, notes Advent as a ‘premature celebration of Christmas’ and—keeping mindfulness in mind as a practice in addition to a theory—most of the chapters give suggested practices to connect with God through stillness and reflection that tie into the day's theme, all the way through to the end of Advent, which Grun marks as a new beginning. Grun's afterword is notable in its length and in its reach to address some of the deeper spiritual and psychological factors that drive addictions and compulsions, which can prevent starting anew, drawing on his experience as a counselor and emphasizing beginning again through healing.” —Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette 

“Recover the original meaning of Advent as a time of stillness, waiting and watching. Fr. Anselm Grün illuminates a path for his readers through the days leading to Christ’s coming at Christmas, but also to his daily coming in our hearts. Twenty-four meditations on Scripture and Advent traditions are paired with simple practices to help all of us experience more intentionally Christ’s saving power in our lives.” —

Author Bio
Anselm Grün, OSB is a German Benedictine monk in the Münsterschwarzach Abbey. He teaches courses and lectures, offers spiritual direction, and is author of approximately 300 books focusing on spirituality, which have sold more than 15 million copies in 30 languages.

Born Wilhelm Grün on January 14, 1945, in Junkershausen, he grew up with his parents and six siblings in Lochham near Munich. In 1958, he came to the boarding school of the Abbey of Münsterschwarzach and graduated from the Würzburg Riemenschneider Gymnasium in 1964. He then studied Catholic theology and philosophy from 1965 to 1971 in St. Ottilien and in Sant'Anselmo in Rome, and earned his doctorate in 1974. From 1974 to 1976, Father Anselm additionally studied business administration in Nuremberg. From 1977 to 2013, Father Anselm Grün was responsible for the economic affairs of the Abbey of Münsterschwarzach as the Cellarer.

​His first book, titled Gebet und Selbsterkenntnis (Prayer and Self-Knowledge), was published by the Münsterschwarzach Vier-Türme-Verlag in 1979 as part of the Münsterschwarzach Small Writings series. In 1991, Father Anselm, together with Wunibald Müller, founded the Recollectio House, where he has served as the spiritual director to this day. In 2007, Father Anselm received the Federal Cross of Merit, and in 2011, he was awarded the Bavarian Order of Merit.

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