The Cloud of Unknowing

By (author) Anonymous

Edited by Bernard Bangley

Foreword by Robert Benson

  • ISBN: 9781557256690
  • Trim size: 5.37 x 8 inches
  • Weight: 5 ounces.
  • Pages: 112
  • Publication Date: 17 Jul 2009
  • Product ID: 6690
  • Format: Paperback
A mystical classic now easier to understand
Very few spiritual classics from centuries past offer real guidance for entering into the darkness and light of Christian mysticism. Notoriously difficult to understand, this contemporary English translation of one of the most popular texts from the late Middle Ages is different: It offers an accessible invitation to the reader to enter into an engagement with God, through this “cloud of unknowing.”
Mystical concepts are explained in everyday language. Written by an anonymous fourteenth-century author, The Cloud of Unknowing was originally prepared for cloistered monks. Yet it has found centuries of readers from all walks of life. Each brief chapter offers the spiritual seeker a way to enter into the life of prayer and appeals to the reader's common sense in beginning steps on the path to knowing a God beyond all knowing. A foreword by bestselling author, Robert Benson, special to this edition, helps to put this classic text within reach of everyday Christians.
Robert Benson writes and speaks on living a more contemplative and prayerful life in a modern world, about the search for and the discovery of the sacred in the midst of our everyday lives. An alumnus of the Academy for Spiritual Formation, he is also a member of the Friends of Silence and of the Poor, an ecumenical order of lay people. Robert is the author of many books including In Constant Prayer, A Good Life: Benedict's Guide to Everyday Joy, and A Good Neighbor: Benedict's Guide to Community.

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