Daniel B. Ford Jr.

Born in 1933, Dan Ford has been interested in photography since his early childhood. Following two years in the military service, Dan joined Cleveland's largest industrial real estate firm, where he worked for 20 years, and eventually became president. Then in 1975, Dan and his wife, Camie, and their children moved to an ecumenical Christian community on Cape Cod. In the years that followed, Dan's gifts in art and photography blossomed. Peace in the Morning is Dan's third book of photographs. The first, Treasured Moments, highlights nostalgic Cape Cod memories. The second, Faith & Beauty, features the beauty of Tuscany, where Dan spent several months at the Mount Tabor Centre for Art and Spirituality in Barga, Italy.
Peace in the Morning

Peace in the Morning

Daniel B. Ford Jr.


For years, photographer Dan Ford has captured images of beauty and light all over the world. In this unique collection, he pairs his own work with ...

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