Chastity and the Soul

You Are Holy Ground

By (author) Ronald Rolheiser

  • ISBN: 9781640609471
  • Trim size: 5 x 7 inches
  • Weight: 3.84 ounces.
  • Pages: 128
  • Publication Date: 05 Mar 2024
  • Format: Paperback

It takes both courage and a very clear head for a Catholic theologian to take on any issue regarding sexuality today. Ron Rolheiser succeeds here in a very positive, honest, and helpful way! His approach is brilliantly not sin-centered but value-centered. Bravo!” —Richard Rohr, O.F.M. 

Celibacy isn't for everyone, but Chastity is!

With infinite wisdom and compassion, Ron Rolheiser gives us a fresh understanding of chastity, not based on repressions, prudishness, or even just sex, but on reverence, patience, and respect for ourselves and others in every area of life, that leads to true love, joy, community, and union with God

These days, it’s hard to say the word “chastity” without a cringe. But in this book, beloved teacher Fr. Ronald Rolheiser boldly champions the notion of chastity in its fullest meaning: respect, patience, reverence, and a God-given gift of propriety in every area of life—not just in the area of sex.
In twenty-four power packed chapters, Fr. Ron compassionately and eloquently elaborates on how we can reclaim the lost virtue of chastity. He spells out the reasons for the death of chastity in our culture, the negative consequences of that has had on our souls and in our lives, the need for a healthy chastity in all areas of our lives, what constitutes that healthy chastity, and its positive consequences—so that we can say the word chastity without a cringe.
This is a book not just for those believers seeking to live a holier life, but for all those who seek to live the fullest, most authentic life possible. Chastity and the Soul is the guide we all need to come to the realization that in God’s eyes, each one of us is holy ground.



“Ron Rolheiser has a rare gift of discerning and expressing the deepest movements of our souls. In this courageous and prophetic book he presents chastity – defined as respect, reverence and patience – as the pathway to joy and the fullness of life.  In one way or another you’ll hear your own story told as you read this book, and you’ll experience yourself as being wisely and compassionately guided to your heart’s home.” —Michelle Jones, author of The Gospel Mysticism of Ruth Burrows: Going to God with Empty Hands
“Fr. Ron Rolheiser, in this daring and holy book, defines sexual longing in the context of love and patient reserve as we seek within ourselves what is truly meant by the chastity of our souls in the presence of those we love. This is a book for young people seeking a way to the marriage bed, and a celebration for those who have already discovered in their relationships the meaning of commitment, compassion, sexual joy, and spiritual ecstasy.” —Christopher de Vinck, author of Things That Matter Most: Essays on Home, Friendship, and Love
“This book is a welcome addition to the body of work seeking to clarify a stronger and more fruitful connection between our sexuality and our spirituality.  I am not sure how chastity got such a bad rap but I am grateful Fr. Ron has initiated the work of reclaiming it as an attitude and a practice that fosters a spirituality wholesome enough to celebrate sexuality as a beautiful gift from God intended to be linked to exuberance, spirituality and delight.  What a blessing!” —Ruth Haley Barton, Founder, Transforming Center, and author of Sacred Rhythms
“Ronald Rolheiser’s new book offers a rich, beautifully written and reflective reinterpretation of the theme of ‘chastity.’ He expresses his spiritual vision through insightful images that present an honest way forward accessible to all of us. He asks us in challenging ways to radically rethink how we conventionally understand the word ‘chastity’ and limit its scope to a narrow view of sexuality. Ronald Rolheiser’s alternative perspective promotes ‘healthy’ chastity in all our lives as a value that focuses on proper reverence and respect for other people. This includes sexuality as a way of affirming other people rather than exploiting them.” —Philip Sheldrake, Professor, Senior Fellow, and Research Director, Institute for the Study of Contemporary Spirituality at Oblate School of Theology

Author Bio
Ronald Rolheiser, OMI, is a specialist in the fields of spirituality and systematic theology, and a New York Times bestselling author. He writes a regular column that is featured in many newspapers worldwide. He is the author of many books, including bestsellers The Holy Longing and Sacred Fire, as well as The Restless HeartForgotten Amongst the LiliesBruised and Wounded, and Domestic Monastery.

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