Codex 339 de la bibliothèque de Saint-Gall

By (author) Monks of Solesmes

  • ISBN: 9782852741447
  • Trim size: 0 x 0 inches
  • Publication Date: N/A
  • Product ID: 5001
  • Format: Paperback
From the second half of the tenth Century, the St. Gall book in the Solesmes Paleography series (vol. I, first series) is a Gradual taken from Manuscript 339. It is thought to be transcribed by the monk Hartker from St. Gall, Switzerland. It is one of the foundational manuscripts used as a standard for ancient neume study, and was utilized by Dom Eugene in his research and work to create the Graduale Triplex.

Other foundational Manuscripts to consider for your collection:
Hartker Antiphonary, Einsendeln, Laon
Author Bio
Since the refounding of the monastery of St. Peter of Solesmes in 1833 under Dom Prosper Gueranger, this Benedictine monastery on the River Sarthe in western France has set the world standard both for the performance of Gregorian chant and the authenticity of the music itself. Commissioned by Pope Pius X to research the role of chant in liturgy and to edit books on chant that reflect this research, Solesmes enjoys an enviable reputation. Its work in liturgical reform and in the current revival of Gregorian chant has been likened to that of the great abbey of Cluny in the Middle Ages. These recordings incorporate new understandings of ancient manuscripts and represent a distillation of nearly 200 years of scholarship in the chant: musical paleography, semiology, and modality. The groundbreaking work by the monks of Solesmes has contributed to today’s resurgence of interest in Gregorian chant as the foundation of Western music.

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