Let Us Break Bread Together: A Passover Haggadah for Christians

By (author) Michael A. Smith and Rami Shapiro

  • ISBN: 9781557254443
  • Trim size: 7 x 10 inches
  • Weight: 5 ounces.
  • Pages: 39
  • Publication Date: 01 Feb 2005
  • Product ID: 4443
  • Format: Paperback
Jews have been celebrating the Passover through a special meal, called a seder, for millennia. Jesus himself celebrated the Passover feast with his disciples in what we refer to as The Last Supper.

In this special book, co-authored by a rabbi and a pastor, we have the unique opportunity to experience an authentic Jewish Passover seder, from a distinctively Christian perspective. There are many haggadot used in Jewish homes and synagogues, but this one offers meaningful insights on how Christians can both learn from Judaism as a means of deepening their Christian faith, and better understand the Jewishness of Jesus.

Always respectful of the differences between Judaism and Christianity, this Passover guide provides:
  • a complete guide (plan and script) to a meaningful seder experience
  • a deeper knowledge of the great themes of the Exodus story, in combination with Christian insights
  • rich opportunities for a better understanding of Lent and Holy Week
  • a fuller knowledge of why Jesus placed such importance on the universal themes of slavery, freedom, and community around the seder table.
"Explores the rich liturgy of the Passover seder from both the Jewish and Christian traditions without compromising the distinctive beliefs of either faith tradition. Smith and Shapiro have given us a model of interfaith cooperation, based on their evident respect for one another, that contributes to greater mutual understanding. A splendid contribution to worship education!" –Timothy George, dean of Beeson Divinity School of Samford University; executive editor of Christianity Today

"If Christian churches choose to observe Passover, this is the resource they should use. . . . a comprehensive but easy-to-use tool for broadening and deepening their understanding of Passover. –Jan Turentine, Managing Editor, Acacia Resources, Baptist Center for Ethics

As more Christians appreciate the Jewish roots of their faith and Jesus' life as an observant Jew, they participate in increasing numbers in the Passover seder. Rabbi Rami Shapiro and the Reverend Michael Smith, a Baptist minister in Tennessee, collaborated to produce this haggadah to guide Christians in conducting the ritual Passover meal in a way that honors both traditions. They begin with a note to the leader, providing suggestions for organizing the meal and writing invitations. Information follows about the significance of Passover for Christians, with scriptural references to the observance of Passover by Jesus and his family. There are detailed instructions for setting the seder table and a script for the leader to follow throughout the meal. Passover symbols and elements of the meal (e.g., boiled eggs, bitter herbs, wine or grape juice) are explained. Directions are given for the Tzafon, or "finding the hidden," when young children are invited to hunt for the piece of matzah hidden earlier in the service. Prayers and blessings conclude the service.

This book's format (7 X 10 inches) allows for generous amounts of white space and attractive charcoal drawings that enhance the text. A list of further reading is provided. From Paraclete's Many Mansions series. Recommended for all church libraries. –Church and Synagogue Library Online http://cslainfo.org March 23, 2006

"This is a perfect example of a multifaith resource that brings Jews and Christians closer together." –Spirituality & Health April 9, 2005

"[This book] tells participants about the Passover meal, from its beginning among Hebrew slaves fleeing Egypt to its re-enactment in homes today. As they follow the question-and-answer format, they will learn more about the Jewishness of Jesus and the context of their own faith. 'Let Us Break Bread Together' will enrich Christians' appreciation for Passover while giving them a deeper sense of gratitude for Easter."– Marv Knox, Baptist Standard March 9, 2005

"The core of the Passover is experience, Shapiro points out. 'I wanted to help Christians re-connect with Jesus as a Jew, to experience what was second nature to him,' he says. So he decided to write a haggadah especially for Christians and turned to a colleague, Mike Smith, pastor of First Baptist Church, Murfreesboro, Tenn., for collaboration. Their book is 'Let Us Break Bread Together' (Paraclete Press, 2005; www.paracletepress.com). Here's an excerpt, using the traditional question-and-answer format: 'Why wash our hands before continuing with the Seder?' 'Washing our hands reminds us that we are entering a sacred space. The rabbis taught that with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem and the ending of sacrifice, the dinner table became the new altar, the central place of communing with God. Jesus, too, made table fellowship a central act of his ministry. This banquet, each table around which we sit, is a tabernacle to God. Let us cleanse our hearts and minds even as we cleanse our hands.'" –The Lutheran: The Magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America March 9, 2005

Author Bio
Pastor Michael A. Smith is a pastor, editor, and writer. He serves as pastor of First Baptist Church, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and is a graduate of Belmont University (B.A.) and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div., Ph.D.).

Rabbi Rami Shapiro is a graduate of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and holds a doctoral degree in religious studies from Union Graduate School. A congregational rabbi for twenty years, Rabbi Shapiro currently directs the One River Foundation, a not-for-profit educational center for the study of the world's religions.  His most recent books are Open Secrets and Hasidic Tales Annotated and Explained.

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