December 1 Echoes of Eternity But his word was in my heart as a burning fire shu…

December 1 Echoes of Eternity
But his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.
Jeremiah 20:9
My word is a fire—a purging, purifying fire—burning the dross and refuse of the years past. My word destroys as well as it builds. It must destroy strongholds of darkness and rebellion. You do not even know where or what some of those strongholds are in your soul. They must be assaulted and destroyed that you might be whole in Me. My word is not always in words. My word is My will going forth from Me to accomplish My purpose. You may tremble or weep before it without consciously knowing why or what is being done. Do not worry. Submit yourself inasmuch “as lieth in you” to My sovereign purpose. Keep silent before My mysterious ways, for all will be light in the end. Faith requires this, to trust where you are mystified, to hold on to what I have said when the outward conditions seem to contradict it. This is the way and walk of faith.

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