The Stories Behind Their Music

In your inbox every Monday

Begin your week with a poem, piece of music, inspirational video, or thoughtful reading to enrich your life!

Each week we will send you an email containing a short meditation that gives you some breathing space. Each week something new. Each week something beautiful. 



The best music of any kind

takes us on a journey, teaching us something,

or revealing a new perspective. The best of

sacred music does all of these things, too, but with

a specific intention: if we allow it to, it leads us to that

holy place where heaven and earth intersect, where the

veil becomes thin enough that for a moment, though our

feet are planted firmly here on earth, our spirits are freed to

experience the eternal. Gloriæ Dei Cantores presents here

three works expressing the tension between the human and

the divine that creates a sacred “mandorla” between heaven

and earth. These three composers are tied together by their

illuminations of mankind’s need for salvation, and by

their expression of the intimacy and glory in these

sacred encounters between broken humanity

and a great and gracious God.
