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So, you want to be a Dragon Slayer, do you? 

This book teaches you how! 

Sir Wyvern Pugilist’s adventurous guide prepares young people to engage the snarly and slimy monsters (temptations and obstacles) presently inhabiting our world. Lest you think, however, that this is a manual for anyone casually contemplating a match with one of the dreaded reptiles, read on! Pugilist, Slayer of a Thousand Dragons, reveals that the Art of Dragon Slaying requires ongoing dedication and is the challenge of a lifetime. 

And he pulls no punches.Alternately yelling and cajoling, pleading and flattering, he does whatever it takes to grow his students into bona fide Slayers. BUT BE CAREFUL: Dragon drool is dangerous—and slippery! So, this book is for those who are most serious about facing the behemoths head-on. ONLY FEAR NOT: Sir Wyvern includes the essentials on spiritual armor and powerful prayers to ward off even the most vicious attacks.

Dragon Slayers:

The Essential Training Guide for Young Dragon Fighters

Curriculums, Arts and Craft Activities, Brain Games and MORE!

View our FREE REsources!

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