Paraclete Video Streaming FAQ

How does it work?

Order our Complete Library, Grief Library, Social Issues Library, Kids Faith Formation Library or Adult Faith Formation Library, and you will receive an email from one of our Video Streaming staff members with login credentials. 

Once given a login, you will have access to the resources on the Paraclete Video Streaming Website in your package for 1 year. This login can be used at anytime on any device. 

**Note: You will not be able to view content until you are logged in.


What do I get?

Share access with every staff member, small group leader, pastoral care coordinator, teacher, and church member who would benefit from these award-winning resources!

Find immediate, trusted support on a wide range of topics including:

  • Grief issues such as sudden death, suicide loss, addiction loss, and children's grief
  • Faith formation topics such as baptism, Christian discipleship, discernment, and spiritual practices.
  • Social issues such as loving someone with an addiction, caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, and unmasking postpartum depression.



Call 1 800-451-5006 and ask to talk to one of our sales representatives.
Or, email with questions or concerns.