Feast of Benedict, Abbot

Feast of Benedict, Abbot

They called on the Lord and he answered them. He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud; they kept his statutes and the decrees he gave them. —Psalm 99:6b–7
What we most need . . . is something that only stability can provide, a way of life founded on solid ground, freeing us from the illusion that we can live without limits. (Kathleen Norris)—Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, The Wisdom of Stability

Prayer of the Day
Jesus, you call me to take up my cross and follow you. Many times, I am afraid of giving up what I think gives me pleasure or makes me comfortable—and in my fear I miss your blessing. Benedict knew that your peace and fulfillment came through sacrifice. Lord, help me to let go and step out for you today. Amen.

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