Video Streaming



Among the Many

Thousands of families are affected by the drug epidemic in our country. Those who suffer the loss of a loved one to overdose are left questioning and often alone. 

Changed Forever

In this powerful, therapeutic, new video presentation you will see and hear others discuss what you are going through right now. 

Through Loss to Life

Grief experts Khris Ford and Janie Cook lead participants through an 8-week program, training individuals on how to lead a small group who gather once a week to explore the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual impact that loss creates.

Footprints on our Hearts

The agony we feel after the loss of a baby is complex and intense as it mixes with misplaced guilt, hurt, helplessness, and deep sorrow.

Helping Children Grieve

This profound video resource offers helpful information to adults (parents, caregivers, professionals) on how to help children of all ages grieve with hope and heart.

Helping Parents Grieve

Helping Parents Grieve is for any parent who has experienced the death of a child—and for those who aim to help someone who is grieving. 

We Will Miss You: Grieving the Death of a Pet

We learn love, faithfulness, and trust by living closing with our beloved animal companions. We invest a deep part of ourselves in the relationships we have with them.

More Than Baby Blues: Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is difficult to identify, because at some point most new mothers feel overwhelmed and unsure of their role, and it can be difficult to determine what is normal and what isn't.

Grieving the Sudden Death of a Loved One

There is no adequate preparation for dealing with the sudden death of a loved one. This video will take you through seventeen segments from The impact of a sudden death to The pain of reality to Yielding to the season of grief. 

Journey Through the Shadows

Death by suicide deeply affects the lives of those who are left behind by the one who has died.

A Cry for Help

Most suicidal young people don't really want to die; they just want their pain to end. Teen suicide is often preventable if people know the signs to look for and the steps to take when they suspect a friend is suicidal. 

Beyond Regret

Few women and men can walk away from an experience of abortion without some emotional impact.

Social Issues


Reclaiming Life: Faith, Hope, and Suicide Loss

Each year, over one million people end their lives by suicide. All death unsettles us, but suicide causes a very distinct set of emotional, moral, and religious scars.

Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s

This dynamic video offers insight, hope, and understanding for anyone who cares for a loved one with Alzheimer's. 

Stop Bullying with Mike Hall

Join Mike hall, a former victim of bullying himself and now a nationally sought-after expert in the field, as he explains The Bully, The Target, and How We React. 

The Transforming Power of Caregiving

For those who have cared for a loved one, when caregiving ends, it feels abrupt. The life and routine that have become yours, suddenly comes to an end with a finality that is painful on many levels. 

Loving Someone with an Addiction

Living with an addiction is both heartbreaking and exhausting. Family members are torn between how to help the addict and how to avoid supporting the addiction. 

The Power of Forgiveness

Every Human being gets hurt in ways both big and small, and in turn, we sometimes inflict hurt on others. There comes a time when we face the difficult choice to forgive others and to forgive ourselves. 

Faith Formation for Kids


Kids and the Church Year

Introduce your kids to the seasons of the Church Year with this delightful new video presentation.

Kids and the Saints

History is filled with stories of famous people who loved God with all their hearts through some amazing and challenging times.

Feeding Your Family’s Soul

Join one of today's most devoted educators, Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle, as she encourages parents with practical, meaningful ways to teach lessons of faith.

Kids and Prayer (Catholic)

Introduce your kids, your classroom, to prayer with this lively new video presentation in four sessions, each asking a basic question.

Kids and Prayer (Protestant)

Introduce your kids, your classroom, to prayer with this lively new video presentation in four sessions, each asking a basic question.

Kids and the Sacraments: Confirmation

Introduce your kids, your classroom to the sacrament of Confirmation with this lively new video presentation. 

Kids and the Sacraments: Communion

Introduce your kids, your classroom to the sacrament of Communion with this lively new video presentation. 

Kids and the Sacraments: Reconciliation

Introduce your kids, your classroom to the sacrament of Reconciliation with this lively new video presentation.

Kids and the Sacraments: Baptism

Introduce your kids, your classroom to the sacrament of Baptism with this lively new video presentation. 

Praying in Color - Kid’s Edition

Imagine a group of kids on the floor of a gym, or filling a classroom, or on a weekend retreat, praying in a whole new way--so silently that you can hear a pin drop!

Faith Formation for Adults


Catching Fire, Becoming Flame

Ever wonder how some people become enthusiastic and on fire about their relationship with God?

Keeping the Fire Alive

The spiritual journey often takes twists and turns through territory that is uncharted and unexplored. It's so easy to become disoriented, lost, and even discouraged.

Saying Yes: What is God’s Will for Me?

Discerning God's will is an ongoing process—not a static one-time decision! Albert Haase, OFM, scholar of Christian spirituality and spiritual mentor to hundreds, is known for offering clear, practical spiritual advice.

The BE Attitudes: Ten Paths to Holiness

There are many paths to heaven. Each one of us is called to discover our own unique way to grow in holiness whether it be as a parent, spouse, babysitter, beautician, bartender, or businessperson. 

Come Follow Me: Six Responses to the Call of Jesus

On this DVD, Albert Haase, OFM, scholar of Christian spirituality, highlights six of the most vital spiritual traditions in the history of the Church: the Benedictines, Cistercians, Carmelites, Dominicans, Franciscans, and Jesuits.

The Jesus Creed for Students

The gravity point of a life before God is that his followers are to love God and love others with everything they have. 

The Jesus Creed

There are many paths to heaven. Each one of us is called to discover our own unique way to grow in holiness whether it be as a parent, spouse, babysitter, beautician, bartender, or businessperson. 

Angry and Good: A Biblical Approach

At a time when anger runs at a high pitch in our society, Bert Ghezzi offers biblically-based advice that shows us that the best way to handle anger is never to ignore it or try to “suppress” it. 

Catholic Spiritual Practices

There is a story of a young violinist who had an audition at Carnegie Hall. As she hurriedly exits the subway, she is momentarily disoriented. 

Partnering with the King

Join John Hiigel in discovering the Gospel of Matthew as a complete guidebook for being a disciple of Christ. (7 discussions in 6 weeks about being Jesus' disciples!)

The Priestly Vocation

The priestly vocation is a counter-cultural one. Through the stories of priests of varying backgrounds in this powerful new DVD, see firsthand how their lives of love and self-sacrifice are more fulfilled that you could imagine. 

The Rule of Saint Benedict: An Introduction

In this informative, inspiring video presentation, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove explores in detail:
How St. Benedict composed his Rule.

Mudhouse Sabbath: The Workshop

“It's not just that Jesus was a Jew, Jesus still is a Jew. Engaging Jewish practice and tradition is one important way of overcoming the gaps that we sometimes feel exist between Jesus and ourselves.” So begins Lauren Winner on the powerful new Mudhouse Sabbath DVD: Seven Ways of Christian Formation Inspired by the Jewishness of Jesus.

Fresh Air

In his book Fresh Air, popular teacher and biblical scholar Jack Levison aims to do nothing less than clarify 2,000 years of confusion on the topic of who the Holy Spirit is, what holy spirit does, and why it all matters. 

The Sacrament of Baptism

In this powerful DVD presentation, Father Thomas Scirghi introduces parents, godparents, and those involved in RCIA to the Sacrament of Baptism and its role in the Church today.

Praying in Color

Everything you need to know to lead your own Praying in Color workshop, featuring author Sybil MacBeth.

Praying with the Body

Don't just pray with your mind and voice...learn to pray like a psalmist!
Popular retreat and workshop leader Roy DeLeon guides you step-by-step as you discover how to use motion, together with the vibrant words of the Psalms, to reinvigorate your daily prayer life.

el Sacramento del Bautismo

En esta presentación nueva y poderosa, el padre Thomas Scirghi introduce a los padres, padrinos y a las personas del Ritual de Iniciación Cristiana de Adulto, al Sacramento del Bautismo y al papel de éste en la Iglesia actual.