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Prayer, Our Deepest Hunger with Fr. Ron Rolheiser

How do we pray when we are simply too distracted, tired, dissipated, and too disinterested to pray? What are the major formal types of prayer? How is liturgical prayer different from private prayer? 

An Advent Retreat with Fr. Ron Rolheiser

Unlike Lent, Advent is not a penitential season. The color of Advent is not purple or black. It’s crimson, the color of desire, of longing, of a particular kind of fire.

The Passion and the Cross: Lenten Retreat

At the heart of our faith lies the mystery of Jesus’ Passion and death on a cross. It is not so much that we misunderstand this mystery but rather that we do not probe deeply enough into its richness.

The deep resources of Christian mysticism

Mysticism is the best kept secret within our spiritual and ecclesial circles. But, alongside Scripture, it is a very rich source of insight and revelation from which to draw guidance for our journey.

From Early Christian Martyrs to People Magazine

The most powerful books ever written are not written on paper but in the lives, faces, and witness of real people who inspire us and whose lives we want to emulate. For many centuries this was an important way Christian spirituality was taught.

Mary as the Early Christians Knew Her

Though our images of Mary often come from the last thousand years, the view of her in the first few centuries was simpler--but always very warm and affectionate. 

A retreat with the Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke

This day-retreat invites participants into the poetic vision of Rainer Maria Rilke, one of the most cherished spiritual writers of our time.

Forgiving in Advance with Paula Huston

This retreat will explore how we can tap into this ancient monastic wisdom in order to “forgive in advance.”

Flannery O'Connor in Search of the Province of Joy

 The retreat offers an invitation to walk alongside one of the most compelling companions we might choose to accompany us on the journey of life.

Mystery of Christmas in Art with Timothy Verdon

Take a quiet day apart, and learn from Timothy Verdon how medieval and Renaissance artists expressed the faith of the Church in the conception and birth of Christ, interpreting the meaning of these events in the theological perspective of the Savior’s life.

Reflections on the Art of Prayer with Msgr. Verdon

Much Christian art describes prayer, from the churches large and small called “houses of prayer” to mosaics, statues and paintings showing holy women and men in the act of prayer.

Why and How to Tell Your Story with Jana Riess

Many of us yearn to write a memoir—to record the most significant events and relationships that shaped us.

The Human Heart with Fr. Jeremiah Shryock, CFR

The human heart is restless. Whether we realize it or not we are constantly looking for something or someone to fulfill the ache that is within each one of us.