God's loving heart
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. —Psalm 116:1–2
St. John of the Cross calls people like me sensual. . . . I think I can deal with my problems better than he. Yet he is the one from whom I should seek help. . . . If only I understood what God is trying to tell me in my distractions. He is broadcasting on a different wavelength. He is broadcasting on the gigantic waves of mercy, and where am I? . . . I need to open myself to the striking eucharistic truth that God’s loving heart is beating just for me.
Fr. Tadeusz Dajczer, The Mystery of Faith-Meditations on the Eucharist
Prayer of the Day
Dear Jesus, you showed compassion for the needs of the people around you. Help me to be the hands and feet of your love and compassion to those I will meet today, and to choose against myself, putting the needs of others above my own, regardless of the cost. Amen.