Still, small voice
In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me. Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord; no deeds can compare with yours. —Psalm 86:7–8
If in the midst of all our sufferings, we can, at least for a few minutes, leave the consciousness of them aside and turn within to the place where the Lord dwells, resting with him, we can know that the victory is ours. We will certainly be able to do this more easily in our times of hell, if at other times—indeed, if each day—we take time to go within and rest in the healing presence of our Redeemer. —M. Basil Pennington, ocso, Seeking His Mind
Prayer of the Day
Dear Jesus, I ask for the perseverance to live out your will in my life, so I may not be found lacking in the things that you have called me to. Walk beside me today and tune my ears to listen for the “still, small voice” in the midst of the needs and cares of my life. Amen.