You don't have to pray, to pray.
In other words, you don’t have to do the things one normally associates with prayer to actually be connecting with God in a way that’s prayer-like. Just sit still if you like.
Grieving people often find themselves doing a lot of sitting still. Stunned. That’s perfectly fine. Just sit. Allow yourself a time to be quiet, to answer to no one, to accomplish nothing at all. Quietness in itself is prayer for many people.
Or if you’re so inclined, do the opposite: get up and move. For some, sitting still at a time like this is precisely not what they most need. Move. Go running. Go biking. Row a boat. Swim. Walk until you are exhausted. Then, be still and listen.
There are many, many ways to pray that don’t include talking, or concentrating with words, or any of those traditional postures and activities that we use at other times throughout our lives when we want to connect with God and we call that connection “prayer.”
-Thomas McPherson, When it Feels Impossible to Pray