Finding Joy and Gratitude in Challenging Times
We have enough sense of loss in our lives right now.
We have grieved, or we are grieving,
and without diminishing our need to do that,
what we need more than anything, now,
are reasons for optimism and joy.
So join us every day for the next 30 or 60 days...
We will send you stories, teachings, video clips, spiritual practice suggestions, and prayers that will give you reasons for gratitude, reminders of grace, and promises for a better future.
Authors include familiar teachers such as Sybil MacBeth, Christine Valters Paintner, Jana Riess, Ronald Rolheiser, Gerard Straub, Will Willimon, and Friar Jack Wintz; teachers who may be new to you, including David Bannon, Stephanie Emmons, Wendi Nunnery, and Friar Jeremiah Shryock; as well as select passages from classic Christian writers including St. Francis of Assisi, St. Teresa of Avila, Brother Lawrence, Julian of Norwich, and St. John of the Cross.
Begins: September 1
Our aim is to bring a smile to your face and a sense of peace at the end of each day.