A Patheos Book Club interview with Sybil MacBeth. (Her new book is 30% off at ww…

A Patheos Book Club interview with Sybil MacBeth. (Her new book is 30% off at www.paracletepress.com) #quot;I like that Advent mixture of prayer and play, and the serious and the joyful, and the hopeful and the despair, and all of those things that go along with Advent….#quot;

Confessions of an Advent Extremist: A Q#amp;A with Sybil MacBeth
Even as we throw out the empty candy wrappers and put away the costumes from Halloween, the season of Advent looms just around the corner. Starting the last Sunday of November, Advent announces the beginning of the Christmas season in the Christian liturgical calendar. In our hyper-consumer culture…

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