Global Ministries Newsletter February 2015 Issue 2 MISSION INSIGHTS FROM THE GE…

Global Ministries Newsletter
February 2015 Issue 2

Thomas Kemper.
The Holy Spirit and Lent

I was overjoyed when I discovered a Lenten resource centered on the Holy Spirit, published in time for this year’s observance of the season. 40 Days with the Holy Spirit (Paraclete Press) is a series of lively, provocative and inspiring meditations for these 40 days of preparation for Easter. The author is Jack Levison, professor of Old Testament interpretation and biblical Hebrew at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas.

Our very own Global Ministries’ statement of mission theology affirms the important role of the Spirit in leading us as Christians “to fullness in God’s purpose,” that is, in God’s mission. The centrality of the Holy Spirit in mission is also affirmed in “Together Towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes,” a document prepared by a group organized by the World Council of Churches. The focus on Spirit in each of these statements provides guidance for our engagement in God##039;s mission.

Each of the 40 sections in Levison##039;s book contains scripture, thoughts to consider, prayer and opportunity to reflect. Each also focuses on the breath in spiritual practice. I like this in part because it reflects the intention of “Take a Breath,” our weekly staff service of prayer and meditation at the General Board of Global Ministries. Taking a breath makes room for the Holy Spirit!

Those of us who work together in God’s mission need also to pray and study together—to be silent in one another’s presence, to listen to the Holy Spirit, who visits us in manifold ways.

This year for our Lenten preparation, the leadership team (the “cabinet”) of Global Ministries is using 40 Days with the Holy Spirit as our prayer and study guide.

I was privileged to have the opportunity to read and comment on the book prior to publication. I am deeply impressed by the sensitive, inclusive and biblically relevant insights Professor Levison brings to our awareness of the Holy Spirit and to the experience of Lent. I encourage others to spend “40 days with the Holy Spirit” this year in preparation for the celebration of the Risen Christ.

40 Days with the Holy Spirit
40 Days with the Holy Spirit – 40 Days with the Holy Spirit will inspire you to encounter God in fresh and surprising ways. You’ll develop stronger spiritual muscles as you breathe, read, reflect, and …

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