The Stricken: If light of morning has to do with you, it has to do with anyone w…
The Stricken:
If light of morning has to do with you,
it has to do with anyone who wants
a new beginning. They do say it##039;s true
a single soul in suffering still haunts
the places it once paced when in the flesh.
But souls do suffer in this dark life too,
and every dawn brings respite, yet brings fresh
regrets as well, as only dawn can do.
For by its glimmer we remain the same,
not changed in any twinkling of an eye.
We pace where we have paced—afflicted, lame,
still suffering that touch upon the thigh.
But could the sun illuminate your soul,
the dark would limp away and leave you whole.
—Paul Willis (American, contemporary)
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Paraclete Press