
A Hostile Haunt - The Holy Spirit For An Inspired Life
In any number of popular books on the holy spirit you’ll be told that the...
inner stillness: dwell in your deep heart | prayer
“the heart of the matter is: stand with reverence before God, with the mind in...
Offerings don’t have to succeed: they simply have to be offered
SILENT PRAYER Before you begin you may like to reflect: This is my love-offering, aided...
The person who is vulnerable becomes the presence of God.
We are grateful for the wisdom of Jean Vanier, and we celebrate a beautiful life....
Great Music Changes Us
In 1972, soul singer Aretha Franklin released a record that is her finest album. Amazing Grace sold...
A Map Of The Pilgrimage
The metaphor that governs the sequence of sonnets in this book is simple: to read...
Why is it so hard to forgive?
Becoming a follower of Christ requires that we give up what feels normal and enter...
The Washing of the Feet - A Maundy Thursday Reflection
Jesus loves us so much that he kneels in front of us so that we...
He Kept on Walking
Excerpted from Small Surrenders: A Lenten Journey by Emilie Griffin A friend of mine told me about...