By Melodious Monk At the scene of the Resurrection, the radiant angel cried out…

By Melodious Monk At the scene of the Resurrection, the radiant angel cried out #quot;Why in the world do you women mingle with your tears?#quot; On many levels, we can all find much to mingle our tears about. Whether it##039;s a personal situation, a family situation, certainly larger issues of violence, corruption, and disaster on national and global scales. But our faith must remind us that daily, the angel messenger brings us good news. [ 73 more words. ]

Daily News
Daily News June 3, 2015 By Melodious Monk At the scene of the Resurrection, the radiant angel cried out “Why in the world do you women mingle with your tears?” On many levels, we can all find much to mingle our tears about.  Whether it’s a personal situation, a family situation, certainly larger iss…

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