February 14 Echoes of Eternity We know that the whole creation groaneth and trav…

February 14 Echoes of Eternity
We know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22
Yes, My child, the world is full of pain and suffering. Think not that I have forgotten it, or that My heart is unmoved by the cries of My children. It is not for you to understand My ways and My delays. It is for you to keep on looking to Me for your daily needs, and to be faithful in holding up the bundle of concerns I have laid
on your heart.
One day your eyes will be opened to see what is now hidden from your view. In the meantime, do not turn your heart away from the suffering you see in this world. Turn every sight of pain and hurt into prayer. Learn to transform the pain into petition, knowing that I am at work to bring good out of every evil.

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