Gregorian Chant: The Eternal Song
By Sr. Fidelis
Revelations – Easter 5
Each week of Paschaltide, Jesus has been giving us keys to the way he reveals himself to us.
The last several weeks, we’ve seen the word cognoscere (to know) in the Communion antiphons, implying that this is an active “knowing” that we work at in our relationship with him. He is “known” to us in the breaking of bread, and in his role as Good Shepherd.
This week’s Communion antiphon starts with the same tune and words as last week’s; Ego sum – I AM. We see these words and remember that when God was revealed to Moses in the burning bush, he used these very words to identify himself. “I AM has sent me to you.”
I AM the true vine and you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit. This is a staggering statement. All of life itself comes to the branches from the vine, if the branches are truly attached to the Source.