November 2 Echoes of Eternity And when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him, and…
November 2 Echoes of Eternity
And when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him, and said unto her, “Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity.”
Luke 13:12
Take this day as it comes, as My gift to you and those you love. They are Mine, and My love for them is greater than yours. I know their inmost thoughts and their deepest wounds. I know where they have hardened themselves against further hurt. I am the Lord who heals. I am the repairer of breaches—the builder of ruins. Just as the woman was bound and bent with “the spirit of infirmity” for eighteen years, and could not walk straight, so My children become bound with troublesome spirits of unforgiveness and hurt, and remain crippled until My freeing touch releases them to new life. Do not be surprised at My goodness. Do not blink at the way I achieve My purpose. Trust in Me, O ye of little faith, that My promises will be fulfilled. Take this day as it comes. Rejoice, trust, hope—in Me.