Glory Will Shine Through
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven proclaiming, “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ.” —Revelation 12:10
I once heard a quantum physicist say, “Electrons behave like school children, eager to give the results the experimenter expects.” In other words, what the experimenter looks for is what the experimenter finds. If we look to creation to reflect God’s primordial glory, then that glory will shine through. —Amos Smith, Be Still and Listen
Prayer of the Day for Eucharist
Lord Jesus, in today’s Gospel lesson you talk of bringing division. I see a lot of division today: in society, in politics. But is there a division in my life concerning loyalty.? You have to be first—not my wants and desires, not my family, not my job, not anything else. Lord, help me to weather these divisions and remain committed to you. Amen.